Hot Tapping – 3 Big Benefits

Hot tapping or under pressure drilling is a pipe maintenance technique. Pipe maintenance companies often fall for this technique when complete shutdown wouldn’t be a practical choice.

Under the evolved hot tap services, the maintenance team adds a branch connection to the live pipe. A short section of the pipe is picked for the job. An isolating valve is either welded or fitted mechanically to that pipe area. With the valve in the open position, the team drills through the pipe to the maximum permissible size.

After completing the maintenance/repairs, the valve is closed and the equipment is taken out carefully. Often, the results are astounding.

Hot tapping services make sense in diverse conditions wherein other pipe maintenance or repair methods aren’t viable – and though there’re multiple benefits of hot tapping, we’ll list down the top 3 in this article.


Minimal downtime

Companies need quick repairs – they cannot sit ideal for hours and incur losses.
The loss to the production or supply is minimal when the pipeline repair is done using hot tapping services. The best benefit is minimal downtime – which means the company can resume to its normal routine in almost no time.